We’re allergic to jargon.
We’ll talk to you like that teacher you loved who made complex things sound simple. We spell out acronyms and we’ll never call a window an “aperture.”
We like sharing.
We have extensive experience designing for multi-generational families, co-ops, intentional communities, and the like. (We’ve also done research, lectured, and taught on these topics!)
Tracking the growth of the average American Home against growing storage & credit, and shrinking families, yards & savings. From Store House, our research project on sharing in the suburbs.
We’re environmental nerds.
We have experience designing to the strictest energy & performance standards. Currently, we’re excited about the possibilities of straw as a carbon-sequestering building insulation.
The Straw House, a tiny house made using Croft’s pre-fabricated, carbon-sequestering, compressed-straw building panels. ︎︎︎
We like good ideas.
If someone else’s idea is better than what we proposed, we incorporate it. Whether that’s a client’s tweak, a consultant’s advice, or a contractor’s suggestion, we weigh the merits, discuss them with our client, and move forward as a team.
Early sketches for a tiny house project in Maine. ︎︎︎